JOIN THE PTA - Support Our Students!

Please visit our official PTA website for more details -

Details also come out weekly by email on Fridays in the PTA News Blast.


2024-2025 PTA Officers

President: Alyssa Whittington

VP 1: Joanna Hokama

Recording Secretary: Amie House

Treasurer: Ruchi Shah

 Delegates: Kristi Philips & Erica Wimbush





2023-2024 PTA Officers


President - Tina David

1st Vice President - Joanna Hokama

2nd Vice President - Baulraj (Raj) Vanamamalai & Gaurav Singh

Treasurer - Julie Simmons

Recording Secretary - Alyssa Whittington

Corresponding Secretary - Amie House

Delegates to Howard County PTA - Tomi Adebo & Marche' Templeton

If you have questions or would like additional information, please email



2022-2023 PTA OfficersPresident - Baulraj (Raj) Vanamamalai

1st Vice President - Cara Adornetto

2nd Vice President - Namoneh Kande

Treasurer - Julie Simmons

Recording Secretary - Kimberly Davis

Corresponding Secretary - Tina David

Delegates to Howard County PTA - Tomi Adebo & Marche' Templeton


Upcoming PTA Events

April 2022

April 5 - 7pm - PTA meeting - Virtual


April 8 - 2:30-3:50pm - Club day - Parent volunteers needed

April 22 - 7pm - Trivia Night - Virtual

April 25 - 29 - Staff Appreciation week


May 2022

May 4 - Field Day - PE teachers run a school wide sports day - Parent Volunteers needed

May 10 - PTA meeting - virtual

May 12 - STEM Fair - Registration deadline - April 1

May 16-20 - Book Fair - in person


June 2022

June 9 - 6:30-8pm -Picnic & Popsicles End of Year Party & PTA Election

5th grade Celebration - Date TBD

June 7 - PTA board meeting - virtual


Click below to see how you can help!


2021-2022 PTA Officers

President - Cara Adornetto

1st Vice President - Kimberly Davis

2nd Vice President - Heidi Potter

Treasurer - Tomi Adebo

Recording Secretary - Nicole Tsang

Corresponding Secretary: Ajoy Karrikineth

Delegates to Howard County PTA - Ana Maldonado


Email Cara at if you have questions.




12/12/2020 Post:

Special Thank You to all the families who contributed gift cards and toys to Student Support Services. Our wonderful counselors were able to help 30 kids! So heartwarming to see families helping families.

Coming Soon from your PTA...

Whooos Reading Read-a-Thon - January 2021

Who can read the most in the whole school?? Who will!

Zoom Family Trivia Night - February 2021

We will be using Kahoot to run a family trivia night for the school via zoom. Fun for the whole family!

Any questions or want to volunteer, contact 

Cara Adornetto, PTA President, at

Follow us on Facebook:



11/21/2020 Post:

Read-A-Thon Coming Soon!!! Whooos Reading Online Read-A-Thon

Starting in December, the PTA will launch our kids favorite fundraiser and reading challenge! Who can read the most minutes in their grade? How about the whole school? Get ready!

Volunteer Opportunities with PTA

Outreach Coordinator - help PTA organize collection and distribution of donations and look for outreach opportunities for future

Family Fun Coodinator - help PTA organize virtual fun nights, serve as host for the events.

Restaurant Night Coordinator - Call local restaurants to organize a night for Veteran's Families to visit to support both the school and the business.


Email Cara Adornetto at if interested in learning more about these opportunities.

The VES PTA works to support the students, teachers and families by sponsoring activities to enrich, educate and bring our community together.If you haven't already, please join the PTA! We are brainstorming lots of opportunities to help make this year fun for the kids. Your membership helps to fund these activities and helps our school ratings by showing high parental involvement in our school. Our goal is 300 members. We are 1/3 of the way there! Keep those memberships coming!

This fall we plan to run the very popular Whooo's Reading Challenge and Fundraiser! Look for notifications coming soon to start logging your minutes and donations!

You will be able to get your Veterans's Spiritwear online this year! We plan to put the products right on memberhub where you purchased your membership. Look for links in future PTA blasts.

We are also talking about Virtual dance parties, Spirit Days, Family Game Nights, and Chalk the Walk options for the kids.

We would love your help with the following events. If you would like to simply pitch in an hour or so, we would appreciate your help. Email Cara Adornetto at if interested.

Staff Appreciation Committee - Chairperson: Heidi Potter. Team members would help brainstorm ideas and assemble supplies for distribution as needed. 
Email Heidi at if interested.

Spiritwear Committee - Run by Amie House. Help with organizing incoming orders of spiritwear and/or help distribute in a driveby event at the school. 
Email Cara at if interested.